Sunday, November 23, 2008

The Crud Has Hit

Not a whole lot to blog about this week. We have been sort of house-bound for the most part because Carter has been sick. We took him to the doctor Monday night and they tested him for whooping cough, but now he is much better since all his meds.
Last night around 1am... Ella Claire came in our room with we are skipping church today...hopefully hers will be short-lived. They have their first Thanksgiving meal at school this week and I would hate for her to miss it.
We had a clean-up learning time this week. On Thursday, we went to the play room and I had a large container for each of them. We went through all their toys and they had to decide what to keep and what to give away to kids that don't have much. Carter must have a giving spirit because he wanted to give just about everything away. Ella Claire was much more attached to her things and it took some convincing to get her started but once she did, she was right there with us. Just today she found a necklace that is too little for her to dress up with her she headed straigh to her give away box and put it in.
Yesterday Lance went to church to help out with our Do Unto These projects for the community, so the kids and I decided to decorate their Christmas trees in their rooms. We had gone last week and let them pick out their ornaments. As soon as Carter saw a blue and silver star he wanted it...Dallas Cowboys! He also wanted "colorful" lights...I do not favor muli-colored lights, but it is their tree and I have mine, so to each his own. They sang, "Oh Christmas Tree" while they helped me arrange the branches and then they went to town decorateing their own tree.
After we were done, Lance came home and we were going to eat lunch. I guess Ella Claire was in the decorating mood and she took some of her necklaces and magic wands and decorated each of our chairs at the table for our lunch!
The plan is to decorate the rest of the house today. We are excited to be in our new home for our first Christmas!