Monday, December 22, 2008

What is a vacation?

Lance decided to take the entire week off for vacation this week. We are also on vacation from preschool for two weeks and dance class. So this morning at breakfast the discussion was "what does vacation mean..." All I had to say is "Daddy is not working this week, he is on vacation," and that was it, the questions started shooting from Carter's mouth! That boy can wear you out with the questions, but he is always learning. When we explained that we don't go to school or dance or any of our "regular" places this week because we are on vacation. That's when they both started talking about getting on an airplane. I asked why and they said you have to go on an airplane for a vacation...this is straight from Curious George in case you missed that episode. George and the man with the yellow hat fly to Hawaii for "vacation." I asked them where they wanted to fly and Carter said, "Texas." Now, do you think the boy is brain-washed or what? Ella Claire said she wanted to go to DisneyWorld. I asked them what would we do in Texas and Ella Claire said..."Daddy will play football and get a trophy!" Lance's world, that would be a vacation!

To start our vacation, we were at the doctor with Ella Claire this morning. She wasn't herself yesterday and ran a little fever. Turns out she has a urinary tract infection, a touch of pneumonia and apparently a stomach virus. After the doctor's visit and her nap, she seemed to feel some better. We loaded up and headed to the grocery store tonight to buy ingredients to make some goodies this week. As she and Lance were checking out, she threw up all over the floor...then when we got home, she got her bed and the bathroom floor. She is now asleep in our bed which has no covers from where she threw up in it last night. Hopefully all this will be out of her system in time for Santa Thursday morning.

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