Games have become a big hit in our house. For the past few months, we have been playing Uno and they love it. We usually play right before their bedtime. Carter got an Uno Spin machine for Christmas and I can't even count how many times we've had to play Uno Spin. They also love to play Monopoly. We do not follow the exact rules. We just role the dice and they have to move that many spots and whoever gets to the end first wins. It is just so much fun to see their competitive side come out.
It seems like their imagination just grows and grows each day. They got a McDonald's cash register for Christmas and those kids have played over and over that they are taking our orders and getting our is quiet funny to sit and listen. Yesterday on the way to church, Carter decided he wanted to play Monopoly and Lance told him we didn't have a table in the van and he said.."I'll pretend I do." All the way to church we had to take turns like we were throwing an imaginary dice and moving that many spots.
We went to Home Depot yesterday afternoon and I always try to find them some type of book to look at while in the buggy. I picked up a pamphlet on swing sets and they began looking and reading. The next thing I knew, Ella Claire was holding up her book and asking me to repeat after her..."Dear God...with love, and for all the people, togeder, to show Him our love and read his book, and make others special, Amen." She has gotten to where she loves to "pray" all the time or "read" scripture. She was doing this so loud and having me repeat each word, we had quiet an audience going down the isles in Home Depot. This is how she says it....togeder...not together.
The picture below is a family story. For years, my daddy has cupped his hand behind his ears when he is trying to hear something or someone. The other night we were in the van and Carter was asking us a question and when I turned around to answer him, he had his hand cupped over his ear and I thought I would fall out of my seat laughing....he looked just like my daddy. So, it has become a joke when we are showing others when he does it. This picture was at Christmas and we had taught Graham what to do as well!
We all go back to preschool Carter said..."our vacation is over." I just hope that means our sicknesses will soon be over....we have been sick basically the whole time we've been on vacation. Bring on the Spring!
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